Man to Be Sentenced for Dealing Crack Cocaine Hidden in Coffee Cup

A 28-year-old man admitted to intending to deal crack cocaine, which was found hidden inside a coffee cup during a police stop in Plymouth. He is set to be sentenced next month.

A 28-year-old man is set to be sentenced next month after admitting to intending to deal crack cocaine, which was discovered hidden inside a disposable coffee cup during a police stop in Plymouth.

Suspicious Traffic Stop Leads to Drug Discovery

The incident occurred on Monday, January 13, around 9 PM, when police noticed a Peugeot 307 driving on Wolseley Road with its headlights off. Officers stopped the vehicle and, after suspecting the driver was under the influence, conducted a search of the car.

During the search, they found a disposable coffee cup in the possession of the passenger. Inside, they uncovered 18 wraps of suspected crack cocaine and four small bags of suspected cocaine.

Suspect Arrested and Charged

The passenger, Kyle Best, who has no fixed address but is from Plymouth, was arrested and taken into custody at Charles Cross Police Station. He was subsequently charged with:

  • Possession with intent to supply Class A crack cocaine
  • Possession with intent to supply Class A cocaine
  • Possession of criminal property (approximately £200 in cash)

Guilty Plea and Bail Conditions

At Plymouth Crown Court on Monday, February 17, Best pleaded guilty to all three charges. His lawyer, Francesca Whebell, argued that due to the inevitable prison sentence, her client required time to say goodbye to his children.

Judge Recorder Simon Levene granted Best conditional bail but warned him that he had been given realistic advice about the serious sentence he was likely to face.

Sentencing Scheduled

Best’s sentencing hearing is scheduled for March 6 at Plymouth Crown Court, where he will learn the full extent of his punishment.


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